@article{oai:wayo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000015, author = {後藤, 政幸 and 宮川, 豊美 and 〓谷, 要 and 大塚, 久美}, journal = {和洋女子大学紀要. 家政系編}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 1)ドリンク剤および乾燥クランベリーを安息香酸量として100および22mg相当量摂食した時、30~60分後に尿中馬尿酸濃度(クレアチニン比)は最高値になり、その後漸減して180分後にはかなりの低値になった。2)摂取した安息香酸量と30分後の尿中馬尿酸濃度(g/gクレアチニン)の間には用量-反応関係が認められ、その相関係数は0.98、回帰直線式Y=0.024X-0.388であった。3)ACGIH勧告の馬尿酸BEI値(2.5g/gクレアチニン)に対する受容有効数値(シグナル/ノイズ=3)から算出された安息香酸量は約50mgであり、この値をモニタリングの摂食許容安息香酸量として提案する。, In order to lower a false positive risk in biomonitoring workers exposed to toluene, the relationship between intake of benzoic acid (BA) contained in foods and urinary hippuric acid (HA) concentration was studied. Five male and female adults were administered placebo drink which contained 100mg BA. The urinary HA/creatinine concentration before, 30 and 60 minutes after the administration were 0.18±0.06, 1.82±0.33 and 1.68±0.49g/g, respectively. The urinary concentration ratio after 90 minutes was rapidly decreased, and after 180 minutes, it exhibited a value close to the basal level. The HA concentrations found in experiment in which subjects ate the dried fruit cranberry (containing 22mg BA) were lower than that of placebo groups, but the excretion pattern was similar to each other. Gotoh (2002) reported the excretion of urinary HA when taking 137, 68.5 and 50mg BA-containing soft drink. HA excretion patterns found in this report and that of reported in Gotoh were very similar, and showed a dose-response relationships between BA intake and urinary HA concentration. These results may suggest that the food derived HA can be estimated, if the amount of intaken BA from foods is determined.}, pages = {121--126}, title = {食品中安息香酸の摂取量と尿中馬尿酸濃度の用量-反応関係}, volume = {44}, year = {2004} }